Mobile Suit Royal Gundam Pt. 15

The Zoya Remnant were making their way back to the edge of the Solar System back to square one. There was nothing but silence and grief, their Supreme Leader was dead and so was Lady Helga.

Bernkastel has some difficulty controlling Royal.

Lieutenant Moses flies beside her, his red monoeye turn towards her, "Lieutenant Wheat, is everything ok?"

"I'll manage."

"Was that doll really important?"


"That light coming from the Gundam, what was it?"

"So you saw it? Not many have that privilege. That was my trump card, it can only be fired once and then it takes twelve hours to recharge."


"Yes. It's very powerful...cough, cough, cough."

"Are you sure you're fine?"

"Sorry, I'm really drained. Whoa!" Royal was wobbling left and then right.

"Land on the Sheba."


"I'll take over holding that doll."

"Thanks Lieutenant."

The Royal Gundam enters the energy shield preventing the crew from getting sucked out and lands. The chest opens up and she could see several wrecked Mobile Suits. A chest of a Hunter Zaku opens and the pilot floats out unconscious. The medical staff head in and rush him to sick bay.

Bernkastel is given a drink and she sighs sadly but then hears that the Vargr transport that carried members of the platoon that were on Nimrod had landed. She and Haro makes their way to the south hanger.

She was shocked that Zam Überstein and Second Lieutenant Selena were the only survivors. She goes to greet him and begins to cry. He embraces her and Second Lieutenant Selena diverts her gaze.

A staff officer appears, "Zam Überstein, Admiral Terrence requests your presences on the bridge. He nods and makes his way leaving Bernkastel and Second Lieutenant Selena behind.



"Admiral. How bad is it?"

"We only have 34 ships left."

"Admiral Sir, the Cascade's reactor is reaching critical!" A communications officer reports.

"What?!" They could hear the explosion. "Make that 33 ships." Überstein has his head down. "Come, we must talk in private."

A few minutes they were on his office. Admiral Terrence pours himself a cup of rum. "Would you like some?"

"No. Is it true, is the Supreme Leader really....?"

"Yes I am afraid it's true along with Lady Helga and all higher ups save you and I. If I wasn't assigned to this ship and you didn't go into Nimrod we both would be dead. And everyone would have had to act on their own judgment. Zam, as head of Zoya Intelligence and one the Supreme Leader's advisers it's up to you now. You're officially highest ranking member of the Zoya Remnant."

Even though his face was expressionless, Zam Überstein was shocked.

"You must lead us."

"I will have a cup of that rum." He drains it.


The remaining Alpha Shrikes land in the hanger and bring in the offline Ultra Doll.

"What the hell are we going to do with that thing?!" Lieutenant Commander Abigail demands.

"Um repair it, it's still good shape," Lieutenant Moses answers.

"Whose idea was to bring it anyway, it's taking up room!?" Commander Holly demands from a mechanic.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Wheat, Ma'am."

Captain Vance glares at her, approaches her and punches her, knocking her to the floor."

"Bernkastel! Bernkastel!" Haro exclaimes and Captain Vance kicks him.

"Haro! Ahhhh!" She receives a kick to the stomach.

"You traitorous bitch!" She pulls Bernkastel up. "According to Lady Helga you said we could trust the Chief of State! It's your fault!"

"You hear that everyone? The Gundam pilot got us into this mess!" Second Lieutenant Selena yells.

Several mechanics, pilots and staff approach, ready to beat the shit out of Bernkastel.

"Should this be allowed?! She's a berserker!?" Lieutenant Moses asks.

"She can't take us all," Commander Holly answers.

"Let's toss her out into space!" Second Lieutenant Selena yells and the other people cheer.

"Yeah she's a Jonah!" Lieutenant Commander Abigail says.

"WHAT IS GOING HERE?!" Admiral Terrence demands, walking into the hanger.

"We're getting rid of the problem!" Second Lieutenant Selena answers.

"It's all her fault!" A mechanic adds.

"The Supreme Leader and Lady Helga would be alive if wasn't for her!" A pilot says.

"Enough of this!" Überstein says monotonously.

"What should be done with her Sir?" Admiral Terrence asks.

"Treat her wounds and then put her in a cell, we're not out of this yet so stay alert!"

They didn't like it but saluted and carry on with their assignments.


When the remainder of the Dudael Fleet was secured they hold a funeral for all those who died. There were two huge pictures of Supreme Leader Dudael and Lady Helga. All stood quiet, Admiral Terrence looks at the picture of his XO Lucas and Ensign Megan Lamb, the young woman he loved.

A week later after mourning Zam Überstein was dressed in gold and approaches the podium. The soldiers stood waiting. "I......Once we reached the edge of the Solar System we will for the Earth Republic Fleet to show up and when they do we will surrender. Everyone was perplexed. "It's over, we've lost. Once we reached the edge everyone will be relieved of their military duties. That is all." He leaves.

Everyone was depressed, each ship had a pleasure deck but no one entered.

Überstein visits Bernkastel. "How are you doing?"

"Oh you know just getting by, myself, Haro, my picture and Royal. Oh I am well acquainted with Second Lieutenant Selena."

"Your sarcasm isn't becoming of you."

"Oh you were being serious? Well it's kind of hard to tell especially when one minute a person is your friend then the next they up and betray you."

"Bernkastel I...."

"Oh I get it, this is because I didn't reciprocate your feelings?!"

"That has nothing to do with this. I acknowledge that you didn't like me in that way and could only be friends. I did it to save your life. The rooms on this ship are different from the Ultimate, four bunk mates, three would have torn you apart and been inviting before they threw you into space like they originally planned."

"You're Supreme Leader now, you could have stopped it."

"I'm not Supreme Leader Dudael nor do I have Newtype abilities to keep people in line."

"You certainly right about that with that speech of yours. I'm sure the Zoyanese rulers of the past are applauding you as we speak."

"As I said your sarcasm isn't becoming of you."

"I'm being serious, you could be your own but instead of that you've elected the way of a coward."

"It's not cowardliness when one knows it's time to admit defeat."

"Do you blame me?"

"No I do not. When we reach the edge you'll be free to go your own way."

She gazes at him in shock. "You're banishing me?!"

"If you stay here they will kill you! If you're taken by the Earth Republic they will kill you!"

"Then where am I supposed to go?!"

"That's entirely up to you, with the Royal Gundam being repaired your boosters should be able to get you as far away as possible. It shouldn't take you too long to find an alternative route back to Earth if you choose to go there. Bernkastel take this chance, you're the most innocent of us all, escape with your life. I'll give you two weeks worth of rations so take it."

"But the Earth Republic is the only livable place left!"

"You're find a way." He walks away leaving her in tears.


Lieutenant Moses sat at the table eating, he glances over at Captain Vance and then to Commander Holly and Lieutenant Abigail and the rest of the remaining members the Alpha Shrikes, all together were thirty one of them well thirty for Bernkastel was done. There were once one hundred of them led by Captain Brax, they fought and survived the cilvil war and were the best of the best, the elite guard squadron but the glory days were now behind them for this was the end. They were all feeling it but kept a straight face.

They hear yelling and see the cooks moving out of the kitchen. The chef had gun pointed at them. "I won't be captured by the Earth Republic, I won't!"

"Just calm down!" One of the cooks says.

"Don't you fuckin tell me to calm down!"

"It's for the best."

"Shut up!"

He notices the Alpha Shrikes. "Hey you guys do most of the fighting, tell them we can win! Tell them!"

"There's no to tell, we have nothing left to fight with," Captain Vance says.

"That's right, our new Supreme Leader is thinking about us so it's better to cut our losses, Lieutenant Commander Abigail adds.

"The only thing that gun will give you is a quick death so be thankful you're still alive," Lieutenant Moses says.

"You're right," the chef drops the gun and heads back into the kitchen.

A few seconds later they hear a scream. "Oh what now?!" Commander Holly demands.

"The chef is dead, he used a butcher knife," one of the cooks explain.

"You were right, the gun was quick," Lieutenant Commander Abigail says.

The Alpha Shrikes began to leave and go their separate ways. Lieutenant Moses meets with the Supreme Leader. "Sir, you have to do something, the chef committed suicide."

"There's nothing to do, if he wanted to commit suicide that's on him."

"But, but what if others choose to follow him?"

"Then that's on them, I can't stop them from doing something they have a choice to do, it maybe the last time any of us have free will and rightfully so for the freedoms we stole away. You're dismissed."

Lieutenant Moses salutes him but Supreme Leader Überstein doesn't return it. "If you wish to desert I won't stop you nor have any anger towards you."

An hour later Lieutenant Moses was in the restroom, he was prepared to wash his hands when he notices a small cracked mirror. He picks it up and looks at it, the crack was from the top right to the bottom left, he smiles for it reminds him of Commander Barcelona.


September 1, 2099

The Zoya Remnant reaches the edge of the Solar System but of course there was nothing to celebrate.

Bernkastel is released much to the dismay of Second Lieutenant Selena. She showers and put on clean bra and panties, it was the only one she'd be getting. The last thing was the purple armor with white, gloves, boots and face concealed helmet.

She makes her way to the hanger with Haro, the staff watch her go by, many glare but she pays them no mind. The Alpha Shrike officers spot her as she enters the hanger. She stops and looks at them and pulls out a gold pin, it was the Greek alphabet for alpha and in the middle the shrike bird, she places it on the floor and floats to her Royal Gundam.

"Can't believe we're just letting her go," a mechanic murmurs to his companion.

"Yeah but it's the Supreme Leader's order."

Second Lieutenant Selena balls her hand into a fist but then decides to pull out her gun.

"Don't, your bullet won't penetrate the armor, what if she goes berserk?" Lieutenant Moses says.

Bernkastel leaves the hanger. She sighs and heads for the space colony ship. "They're right, Haro. I told them they could trust Glendarah and look what happened. In the end I'm nothing but a failure. Perhaps it's best to end it."

She exits the Royal Gundam. "Haro stay here." She begins making her way through the colony, passes the remains of the Zoyanese citizens as far as the eye can see. "I never wanted to come here again after the first time but hear I am, I suppose the space coffin is a good place. As she continues to look around she pulls out her pistol and checks it. "If the nerve gas has dissipated then this will do just fine."

She takes a few more steps and finds and empty seat next to a skeleton still seated and reading. "No use dying without feeling comfortable." She sits in the chair and inhales and exhales. "Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and Adriana, I'll be with you shortly. 21 wasn't a bad year." She was about to pull off her helmet when she hears a sound, it was the skeleton's arms coming off and the book falls to the floor. "Huh, that book looks familiar. She examines it further, it was a Bible. It was on the Book of Revelation. She begins reading chapter 8 and then she smiles for an an idea began to form in her mind.

A few seconds later she hears what sounds like the wind. "Is the AC on?" It grew louder and louder. "It's the sounds of wailing." She feels something behind her and turns around to see Captain Brax smiling at her. She screams and falls to the floor. He approaches her. "This can't be real, this can't be real!" She starts to see people approaching. She gets up on her feet to millions of people approaching her. She was surrounded by them. "What is this?"

"These are all the people who were gassed," Captain Brax answers.

She was perplexed as she sees all the men, women and children staring at her, they all had no pupils in their eyes, she notices that Captain Brax had none in his eyes as well.

"Avenge us, avenge us, avenge us, oh daughter of Zoya," all save Captain Brax spoke.


"Avenge us, avenge us, avenge us, oh daughter of Zoya."

"It seems you just thought up an idea. These people are restless, they deserve to sleep, to go home."

"I want to go home as well but..."

"Avenge us, avenge us, avenge us, oh daughter of Zoya."

"You are one of us, Lieutenant Junior Grade Wheat."

"I'm not an officer of the Zoya military anymore, I've been banished."

"Avenge us, avenge us, avenge us, oh daughter of Zoya. Avenge us, avenge us, avenge us, oh daughter of Zoya. Avenge us, avenge us, avenge us, oh daughter of Zoya.

"Okay I'll do it, I will be obey! I'll avenge all of you!" She fall on knees and cries.

"On your feet Wheat, you don't have long to put your plan into action, the Earth Republic could be here at anytime."

She nods. "I only have one shot at this. But do I really want to?" She starts thinking about Supreme Leader Dudael, Lady Helga and all the others. "Deus." She balls her hand into a fist. "We were so close, so close, this whole thing could have ended but no! That bitch Glendarah......I'm going to end this once and for all!"

"That's the spirit, Wheat. You wanted to end this war so this is your chance."

"Yes by any means necessary!"

"By any means!"

She races to the control room. "The boosters have power but I wonder how long will they last." She searches for weapons but doesn't find any. "Hopefully it won't matter." She runs a simulation three times before heading back to the Royal Gundam. "Well Brax I guess this is goodbye, I'm sorry about what happened to you."

"It wasn't your fault, it's war."

"But still she blames me for it."

"Yeah I know, give her my regards."

"Wait why can't you do it?"

"My time is up now, I can't just come back anytime I want, it doesn't work like that. It was difficult to decide but I had to give it to one who would needed it the most."

"Magnolia needed it the most."

"I would be causing her more pain. We'll be watching on the sidelines to see how this plays out."

She watches him disappear and leaves the space colony.


Bernkastel: "Royal Gundam to the Sheba, Royal Gundam, come in Sheba."

Sheba: "What do you want, Wheat?"

Bernkastel: "Request permission to land, I must speak to the Supreme Leader, it's urgent that I do."

Supreme Leader Überstein: "Yes Bernkastel?"

Bernkastel: "I need to speak to you, please."

Supreme Leader Überstein: "Fine I will let you land but once your business with me is concluded you leave."

Bernkastel: "I understand, Sir."

A few minutes later she lands.

"What the hell?" Second Lieutenant Selena is exclaimes.

Bernkastel and Haro float down and make their way out of the hanger.

"Hold it, why have you come back?!" Bernkastel ignores her. "Bitch I'm talking to you!"

Bernkastel stops. "Ok first of all we're both the equivalent of the same rank so I don't answer to you, second we've both been relieved of our military duties so I don't answer to you and third bitch I don't fucking answer to you!"

She about to attack but the Supreme Leader comes into the hanger. "Come. She won't be long everyone."

"If everyone's been relieved then why don't they leave?"

"Because this is the only place we know. And there's nowhere to go anyway."

They enter the conference room with Admiral Terrence waiting. "Hello again, Admiral."


The Supreme Leader takes a seat. "You may speak?"

Bernkastel removes her helmet, inhales and exhales. "You can do this, just imagine you're presenting to Professor Kirstein," she thought. "I wonder what he would say if he could see me now."

"Wheat we are waiting!" Admiral Terrence snaps.

"Oh yes. Supreme Leader, Admiral...I have a plan that could possibly win us the war."

"We don't have time for this!"

"Wait, I want to hear what she has to say after all she risk her life coming back here. Go on Bernkastel."

"Thank you, Supreme Leader."

"My plan involves the destruction of Zoya itself." The two men gaze at her in shock. "I know what you're going to say but just hear me out. The whole point of this war was that livable land, we may never foot on it so it's time to end it. If its destroyed then there will be no point of fighting."

"Let me get this straight, you're suggesting that we launch an attack and by some miracle penetrate the Earth Republic's defenses and land in atmosphere and just decimate everything?! We don't have the man power nor fire power to carry out such an action! Time won't be on our side either!" Admiral Terrence exclaimes.

"All it takes is one sudden and massive strike."

"Bernkastel, we don't have any WMDs."

"Wheat, surly you know about the treaty!"

"Yes, yes, after the use of the WMDs both sides met up in Antarctica to sign was known as the Antarctic Treaty thus prohibiting WMDs. Well it seems to me that the other side completely threw that treaty out the window, whatever weapon they used what made of pure energy, pure light. We must pay them back!"

The Supreme Leader makes an irritating sigh. "Bernkastel, I just said we don't have any."

"Oh we have a weapon alright." She points out the window behind her and the two look up and see.

"The space colony?! You want to use the space colony?!"

"Yes Admiral, it already has anti heat coating, I checked the engines and they are in fine condition, all we need to do is attached some boosters to make it go faster, set the autopilot and let gravity take care of the rest. Once it enters the Earth's atmosphere it will fall on Grail destroying it utterly and the impact will wide spread thus wiping out all of the Earth Republic. That's right everything in existence will be completely destroyed and once it's complete the remaining Earth Republicans in space will be so demoralized that they will have no choice but to declare us the winner and they will help rebuild Zoya and we'll live together as one big happy family. The combined supplies including seeds we have left along with Luna, Beta Britannia and Nimrod will be enough sustained us."

The two men just stood there in shock.

"I call it Operation Revelation. So what do you think, great plan huh?"

"I don't believe what I'm hearing! You want us to drop this colony on the Earth Republic?! There are innocents living there, children!"

"I've learned that there can be no victory without sacrifice. Besides Admiral, there are no innocent civilians if they're supporting the enemy, that only makes them enemies. America did it to Japan twice and were hailed as heroes so why can't we?"

"You're insane Wheat, you hear me?! You're insane!"

"What's insane is you're planning to just sit here and wait to surrender! You pray that Chief Kits spares you and you live the life of a slave?! Well let me tell you something Admiral, if your thinking comes true don't think she'll let you reproduce! I know that woman."

"Funny you're the one who said we could trust her."

"Yes and I'm sorry for that, I thought she changed but I was wrong! But I can tell you now that the Chief knows about slavery not because she read books but because she was one so she knows what will eventually happen. She's not going to wait around for that. The sterilization liquid maybe temporary but it came a pure source and she will use it on you and you everyone else in the Zoyanese Remnant. As for me I'll be tortured and executed for treason. She exits her chair and approaches the window. "Death is death gentlemen, either now or later but if it's my time then I will die fighting not sitting here waiting to die."r"


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